Gallery News

“Side by Side: Dureau and Mapplethorpe shared friendship and art, but not fame,” The Advocate

A new show at Arthur Roger Gallery provides an unprecedented opportunity to compare work by George Dureau and Robert Mapplethorpe, two of the most important figurative photographers of the 20th century. In a just world, the two artists would enjoy equally significant reputations. But the general art historical line holds that the New Orleans-based Dureau’s photographs exist almost as a kind of footnote or sidebar to those of the more well-known Mapplethorpe, whose fame and notoriety have only increased since his death in 1989, while Dureau’s reputation has been mostly limited to local and specialized circles during the same period.

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“Review: Stephen Paul Day’s Queen of Mirth,” Gambit

Christmas has a funny way of reminding us of the innocent joys of childhood even as the world looks less and less innocent. Stephen Paul Day’s magnificently crafted, yet totally weird, Queen of Mirthshow features oversized recreations of vintage children’s games and pop culture collectibles from the shadowy recesses of America’s past.

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“Deep Cuts,” Louisiana Cultural Vistas

As part of Prospect.4: The Lotus in Spite of the Swamp opening November 16-18, the Ogden Museum of Southern Art will exhibit nine prints and an original woodcut block from John T. Scott’s 2003 series, Blues Poem for the Urban Landscape.

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