
Willie Birch

Willie Birch has always been a storyteller, sharing with us his observations of everyday objects and imagery that have had a direct impact on him, and subtly extracting the patterns and symbology inherent within. Recently, the artist has begun to specifically examine the interconnections between the examined elements and how, when coupled together, the initial meanings expand and create yet another layer – a language both seen and unseen. Read More

David Bates

Coastal Paintings is David Bates’ eighth exhibition with the gallery and consists of small- to large-scale oil paintings on canvas and panel. Employing his distinctive bold style, Bates continues to document the people and landscapes of the Gulf Coast. Read More

Amer Kobaslija

This exhibition features small- to large-scale painted representations of artist studios on Plexiglas and wooden panels. Among them are the artist’s own studio, those of friends, as well as those of famous artists Balthus and Jackson Pollock. Read More

Lin Emery

This exhibition of new kinetic sculptures by Lin Emery features large-scale and pedestal works, as well as two suspended works. The elements in the sculptures continue to be derived from nature and adopt natural elements such as wind to set them in motion. The two suspended works – one ceiling- and the other wall-mounted – are motorized. This is the artist’s tenth exhibition with the gallery. Read More

Frederick J. Brown

This exhibition features seven medium-scale works on canvas and paper painted between 2001-2010, two years before the artist’s death. The colorful works are all portraits ranging from anonymous subjects to the revered Billie Holiday and Louis Armstrong. Each work reveals the artist’s unique interpretations of the human face, evoking the work of artists such as Pablo Picasso and Max Beckmann. Read More

Erwin Redl

Random Precision in the Metric of Time presents a new body of work that reveals unexpected variances through time-based media and processes. Manifestations of rhythmic arrangements are explored using various media, either through movement or layers of materials accumulated over time. Read More

Courtney Egan

Circulation of Light features three distinct projection-based works, which meld technology with nature. Crystal Gazers features groupings of cast glass medallions infused with light from a single channel projection cascading from forged metal branches. Fountain is a wall-mounted collection of cast glass “bottles” with projected water spilling from one to the next. Finally, Sleepwalker is a motion-activated video projection offering the viewer the experience of witnessing the budding and then contraction of a single bloom. Read More

Dawn DeDeaux

This exhibition features selections from Dawn DeDeaux’s MotherShip series. The post-apocalyptic works, filled with nostalgia for a nature lost, collectively consider the conditions and consequences of alienation from the natural world. Read More