
Lin Emery - Curl

Lin Emery

The exhibition will present twelve new Hurricane Katrina influenced kinetic sculptures by the artist and will include her first audio-kinetic installation work. Read More

James Surls - The Power of Nine

James Surls

James Surls' art blends natural forms created of wood, steel and bronze with sophisticated imagery and content. His self-expressive sculptures are both powerful and mysterious Read More

Radcliffe Bailey - Tricky

Radcliffe Bailey

Bailey’s paintings and sculptures are multi-layered narratives that probe both the history of African-Americans as well as the artist’s own personal experiences and influences. Read More

Robert Polidori - 6013 St. Anthony Avenue

Robert Polidori

Polidori's quietly expressive photographs present a candid and intimate look at widespread destruction in New Orleans—an incomprehensible landscape of felled trees, rooms caked with mud, cruelly tumbled furniture and houses washed off foundations. Read More

Various Artists

The Arthur Roger Gallery is pleased to present a group exhibition of work by Jessica Bizer, John Fields, Rachel Jones and Alex Podesta. Read More

Luis Cruz Azaceta - At the Bottom of the Pot

Luis Cruz Azaceta

The majority of Luis Cruz Azaceta's work in "Local Anesthesia" is related to Hurricane Katrina, particularly his powerful and compelling photo collages. Read More

Jesús Moroles - Dakota Columns

Jesús Moroles

Working exclusively with granite, a stone of great density, hardness and weight, Jesús Moroles combines cutting and polishing techniques with the natural presence of the stone to create works of universal stature. Read More

James Drake - The Rain of Huitzikopchtli

James Drake

Drake’s “Rain of Huitzilopochtli” consists of large scale charcoal drawings on both canvas and paper executed in an Old Master drawing style. Read More

Lesley Dill - Word Queens

Lesley Dill

Creating a vivacious and intense “Word Ballroom” installation, each of Lesley Dill's seven "Word Queens" is made of either copper letters or wrapped wire words. Read More

Willie Birch - Going Home

Willie Birch

In this series of paintings Willie Birch documents a community and culture devastated by Hurricane Katrina; however, an undercurrent of optimism and celebration remain evident in the work. Read More