John Scott

“Circle Dance” is a major installation of bronze and brass kinetic sculptures by John Scott inspired by the artist’s experience of New Orleans. The exhibit is intended as a two part visual poem based on the figurative/abstract narration of the blues expressed in wall pieces and the nonfigurative abstraction of jazz expressed in pedestal pieces. The exhibit is a presentation in maquette form of ideas able to be executed on a larger conceptual scale.

In John Scott’s words: “Conceptually, this body of work concerns itself with the feel of New Orleans, its physical feel and the historical/spiritual influence of its culture. The weathered environments of old fences, patined down spouts and cracked sidewalks embrace and hold captive my childhood memories. Boarded windows, street dancing Indians and the slow moving dirge of a personalized jazz funeral fuel the rhythms of my dreams. I wanted these pieces to exist as sculptured graffiti, symbolic of remembered dreams.”