Monthly Archives: June 2015

James Drake: 1242

Three years ago, the artist James Drake (born 1946) began the ambitious project of creating 1,242 drawings that would trace and reference all of the developments of his multifaceted career. Known as both a sculptor and video artist, Drake has always considered draftsmanship to be a key to his process, and this body of drawings does not disappoint. It is both a fascinating tour of Drake’s creative thinking and a testament to the simple power of graphite and ink on paper in the hands of a master of the craft.

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Human/Nature: The Ridiculous and Sublime | Recent Works by John Alexander

Viewers familiar with Alexander’s work will recognize some of the characters who have populated his swamps, oceans, jungles, and dinner parties over the years. In the paintings and drawings gathered for this exhibition, the artist had identified works that play off the themes that have sustained him throughout his career.

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