Monthly Archives: February 2015
“Natural Beauty: Courtney Egan at Arthur Roger Gallery,” Pelican Bomb
Courtney Egan’s exhibition “Circulation of Light” plays with time in several video-based works that explore the mediation of nature through technology.
Lin Emery
This exhibition of new kinetic sculptures by Lin Emery features large-scale and pedestal works, as well as two suspended works. The elements in the sculptures continue to be derived from nature and adopt natural elements such as wind to set them in motion. The two suspended works – one ceiling- and the other wall-mounted – are motorized. This is the artist’s tenth exhibition with the gallery.
“Not so Random,” Art e-Walk
While Redl’s light installations have been affiliated with the Light and Space movement, this new body of work reaches far beyond “retinal” art to art for the mind, a Duchampian quest. Exploring new dimensions like space and time, the artist aims through his art to control randomness “transferring an idea of randomness through precise calculations.”