“Did that Painting Just Move,” TheChiGuide.com

Did that Painting Just Move

Artwork that Plays Mind Games

Taxi, 2009

This spring at the international art fair, Art Chicago, one booth drew a particularly attentive crowd: Catherine Edelman Gallery was exhibiting three unusual works by artist Gregory Scott – traditional looking paintings with surprisingly moving component: videos seamlessly incorporated into the picture setting. Scott creates narrative works that are entertaining, puzzling, provocative, and amusing, and he has a solo show at the gallery now; visitors will be more captivated by his many new pieces than ever.

Insider Info: Scott has worked in photography and painting for years, and placing himself into his pieces is not new, but incorporating video into his pieces is – and so far it’s very popular. If you can’t get over to the gallery right away, visit the website to see video clips of the works. They might remind you of the way images come alive in Harry Potter’s wizarding world, where snapshot characters wave from within the page, living in their own world while observed by everyone else.