Monthly Archives: September 2009

Robert Colescott 2009

Arthur Roger@434 is pleased to present an exhibition of paintings and drawings by the late Robert Colescott. This selection of work is from the artist’s exhibition titled “Troubled Goods”. The artist passed away in June at his home in Tucson at the age of 83. The exhibition will be on view October 3rd – November 14th at the Arthur Roger@434 located at 434 Julia Street. The gallery will host an opening reception on Saturday, October 3rd from 6 to 9 pm in conjunction with “Art for Art’s Sake.” On November 10th, The Museum of Modern Art will host a memorial in honor of Robert Colescott from 10 am until noon.

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Alec Soth: Sleeping By The Mississippi

Arthur Roger Gallery is pleased to present, “Sleeping by the Mississippi,” an exhibition of the 2004 series of large chromogenic color photographs by Alec Soth that attained critical acclaim during its exhibition in both the Whitney Museum of American Art and São Paolo 2004 Biennials. The exhibition will be on view October 3rd – November 14th at the Arthur Roger Gallery located at 432 Julia Street. Soth will be present at the opening reception hosted by the gallery on Saturday, October 3rd from 6 to 9 pm in conjunction with “Art for Art’s Sake.”

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“Robert Colescott (1925-2009),” art ltd.

Robert Colescott—who was born in Oakland on August 26, 1925 and died June 4, 2009 in Tucson, AZ—was an energetic painter who pushed his presence into the history of American art completely on his own terms. His fifty-some-year oeuvre, featuring crude figuration, splashy, garish color, and blunt racial and sexual themes, was generated by a spirited mix of deep ties to past art, immersion in popular culture, committed social topics and uncompromising self-expression.

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