Monthly Archives: July 2000

“Whiteman’s Iconic Paper Works,” Dana Standish

Ed Whiteman decided at age 17, that he wanted to be a painter, a decision that he describes as “very immediate.” It came to him in a flash one day when he was a commercial art student in upstate New York as he was looking through a book of paintings by the Zen- influenced Morris Graves. “It mirrored perfectly my experience with nature,” says Whiteman. “Up to that point I wasn’t aware there was such a thing as fine art or painting. When I saw Graves’ work I said ‘I can do that.’ In the next year and a half I painted more blind bird paintings than you could shake a stick at.”

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“Willie Birch: Transforming Identities”

The journey began when a precocious child talent was recognized by “my junior high teacher, Mrs. Maxine Daniels, who took her father’s insurance money and created an art school for talented kids at the YMCA.

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Robert Gordy: Paintings

From August 5th through August 26th the Arthur Roger Gallery will present a large collection of Robert Gordy paintings from his estate, which were completed prior to 1982.

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